Sunday, December 20, 2009


Whenever a new year starts, the very first month is always the most exciting because of its newness and because with every year that ends, an New one brings in Hope.
Be it with the resolutions or with a much awaited event that has been slated for that year already.

I know that I was very excited when 2009 began. It began on a great note on the very personal front and professionally also, it has been a nice viable year.
But somehow, amidst all the good things that happened to me- there was a aura of darkness that surrounded the year.
And, it started with my neighbour staying opposite to me falling in the very first week of January and slipping into coma for 5 months before she expired. Yes, she was old. But, I am sure she could have seen a few more happy years.
Starting with that, started a cycle, wherein, I have been hearing about so many deaths. Yes, the death of old people who were ill... but death nevertheless.
Two of my friends also lost their father- due to severe illness, and the latest being my maid's bua dying of cancer in her village.
Even though I know, that I could not have done anything to prevent any of it, because death is the inevitable and it is also said that, the day you are born, your last day has also been inscribed in your fate by God Almighty.
But, really, enough pain. Enough sadness.
This year, should have ended on a high note- but alas- I think that is not going to happen.
My exams start on the 29th Dec and end on 7th January. I also have a paper on the 1st of January. Where have you heard that...
I can't complain. I have had a very happy year otherwise. But shrouded by sad and bad news, true happiness doesn't really sink in also.

I just want this year to end, and I really really pray that, the coming year truly brings Happiness and Peace- Not only to me, but to the world and to the people around me.
I know that the Goa Vacation posts are still due. They will come after my exams. Promise.
Love you all.

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