Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I wish for...

Last post of this year. I am feeling pretty, wow... yeah quite a contrast from the last post. Shalini in her comment to my last post told me to start looking at the glass as half full. And trust me I am going to do just that.

Almost everyone that I know has their wishlist ready for the coming year...apart from the fact that the year is just changing, 2010 also marks an end to an entire decade of the new millennium. For all the skeptics - The world did not end when the 1900's gave away to 2000... the century leaped and bound and thus came the last ten years that have gone away in a jiffy. I know I know, time has its way, it just moves wayyyy toooo fast.
I was hardly a teenager when the year 2000 rolled in, and ten years later, I am almost ready to take on to the world head on.

Ohkay, here are my tiny miny wish list for the coming year... I hope that it all comes true.
For Shayon: I totally wish that his great run at his career continues and all that he desires including me happen for him.

For Moo: True love happens to all of us. And I totally wish that it happens to you as well, and that you realize that it is true love. I also wish that this coming year makes sure that your boss starts loving you more and making you slog your ass lesser.

For Kashvi: I know how much you want to get into that masters' course. And I totally believe that you will get in there.

For D.O. : You lost a lot this year, but then you got into a really great college for your M.Phil. I hope that love happens to you and that you are mostly high on that.

For Ki: I am looking forward to your wedding the most. I pray that you are with him...really really really soon.

For Shalini : I really pray that you clear your entrances and get into the college that your parents have been looking forward to. May your dreams be a true reality.

For Mr.Yadu Rajiv : Yeah, I mentioned you here. You are total sweetheart. I really pray that 2010 changes your fortune in a way that always keeps your spirits high.

For G@K: You are looking for a job. I wish that the coming year brings you soo many opportunities that you totally dance in joy.

For Uncle J : I wish health, happiness, peace and prosperity... more of it.

For My Parents- (even though they will not see it ) I wish that the coming year brings to you more love, more joy, prosperity and loads of good health.

As far as I go-
Before this year ends, I really want to thank all my readers, new and old.. who have changed my life in a way that I can't even imagine. You have given me my own space and not written me off as a mad person. The presence of each one of you in my life has made this year special for me thank you.

I am stepping into the unknown, I wish that I am a better person.... I have a great job, I wish to come clean with my parents about Shayon and that, this happens without too much of friction.
Oh, and yeah- I am in my final two semesters, God please be gracious and let me get my degree minus hiccups.
Yeah, that is about it.
I am ending this post with a poem I wrote-

For each year that ends,
starts a new one;
Making the world -
wait with baited breath,
of new hopes and new dreams;
The goals- to be set in different parameters,
of taking a step closer to them;
Living your life for lil moments,
loving each moment that you live your life;
as each year comes to a close,
it makes me realize just that...

Happy New Year!!!!


Neo said...

A very very happy New Year to you love. :) Thanks for your wishes. And you know what my wishes for you are, right?

May you get all that you want, and then some. :D

Much love

Ramit Grover said...

Awwww, you're too sweet. God bless you.

All the best!

Shalini said...

Yaay!! Was really happy to see my name in your post and thank you sooooo much for your wishes.
Happy New Year to you too...

For you, more than anything, I wish a happy state of will follow. ;)

G@K said...

Thanks for the wish. Hope you get whatever your heart desires too! As for the glass half empty/half full syndrome, you should think which drink it is, and then gulp it down and have another! ;)

Shayon said...

Thank you so much for the wishes, sweetheart! I know u r upset bcoz u hv to study for ur exams on the new year's eve. But then, I wish the rest of the year goes exceptional for u n tht u get a job in a city other than Delhi :-*

Anonymous said...

I love you :*

I wish you get your out of Delhi job, your college ends on a good note and that you get to be with shayon a lot more!

Quirky said...

That was very sweet.. Herez wishing you a great year ahead :)

Jack said...


Nice poem. Thanks a lot for wishing me all that. I will only say is that may 2010 be just as you would like it to be.

Take care

Sorcerer said...

Wishing you an awesome year ahead..
happy cruising through the new year!

Ashish Surana said...

Late hi sahi, but wish you a very happy new year as well )

I hope all your wishes and all you have wished for others come true :D