"Laughter is Timeless.. Imagination has no Age and.. Dream are Forever...-Tinkerbell"
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Y is for You
X is for X-Mas
X Mas, is one of the festivals that celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm all over India. It is the Winter Holiday season, and while thanks to the MNC culture it means that offices have very little to no work, the schools have an off, and Santa Claus comes calling to each one of the houses irrespective of the caste culture creed or beliefs.
There is no difference in India, in between the celebrations of Diwali & X Mas.
We just wish, that the rest of the western world would also appreciate the beauty of celebrating a festival that is not your own, but is adopted because of the many many people of that culture becoming a part of that country.
W is for Waste
A lot of time,
staring into the nothingness,
of dreaming a dream,
that is nothing more than,
a waste of dreams...
So what did you waste today?
A lot of money,
in buying the fancy shoes,
that I wont wear again,
But what do I do..
The shoes, are what bring me,
the hollow happiness.
But Happiness nevertheless.
So what did you waste today?
A little bit of food,
a lot of water, and a good amount of
I have the means, I shall pay,
and I shall not conserve,
Tomorrow is unknown,
Live today is what I believe!
Just Imagine,
had our parents wasted it all,
the money, the time,
the resources,
would we have had any?
The time to waste,
the money to waste,
and the resources to plunder!
Let us think, twice!
Make time your friend,
dream the dream,
live the dream,
donate a smile,
adopt a pet..
Love a lot..
Because, when you love in excess,
you ain't wasting anything,
You are just gaining,
More love, more happiness,
More dreams!
Friday, April 25, 2014
V is for Virtues, Vanity & Vice
Thursday, April 24, 2014
U is for Unique
Unique. Different.
We all have two eyes, a nose, a pair of lips, teeth, ears, arms, legs.. Yet, each one of us looks different.
Each one of us is unique.
We all have different talents. We all have different weights , heights, different thoughts, and different goals.
Our uniqueness comes from the DNA that we posses. The combinations of them being so vast that all billion trillion of us are different from each other.
Yet, at the end of the day, we are all bound by the same values of love, trust, humanity and happiness. Our goals maybe different but at the end of the day we all want a nice house, a great family, contentment and happiness.
And still, there are wars. There is racial differentiation.
Isn't it sad that instead of being amazed and instead of appreciating the differences of each other, we are rising hell to make us all into one sect of similar people.
T is for Time pass
Time Pass, a word coined by the Mumbai junta which means to pass your time by anything and everything other than what you are supposed to do.
In a city which is always running, time pass means to stay in office beyond the hours just chit chatting in the name of work.
Or sleeping in the train while on or back from work.
The short form is TP karna.
Usage.. 'Chal TP karte hain'
It took me a while to get used to this lingo. What is the lingo that you got used to when you were in a new city?
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
S is for Sugar-coating
How many times have you sugar coated your harsh realities to yourself in order to live and breathe, in order to just survive.
I haven't read the bible, but once in a TV series about bible, there was this story about how a woman is boiling stones in the water over the stove, and fooling her little child to believe that it was food that was being cooked. She sugar coated the reality about how there was no food in the house to child, till he fell asleep, thinking that his mom would wake him up when the food was ready.
We all sugar coat our lives so much, that we often forget the reality that we need to face.
The facts that stare back at us, glaring, jarring, the ones that we choose to ignore.
The crack in the relationships.
We paint it up to the world, to the kids, to the family.
We don't really discuss the issue, we brush it under the carpet.
The dwindling bank balance.
In this case, we choose to close our eyes, and hope that the money will automatically multiply.
Of course, the salary will come at the end of the month. But instead of being frugal about it, we spend. Without a thought about the building credit or the savings or of the future.
We live in times, when we sugar coat so much, that we forget. We live. But we forget nevertheless.
What do you feel happens, when you sugar coat??
R is for Role-Play
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Q is for Queen
Friday, April 18, 2014
P is for Personal Space
Your inner most thoughts,
The ones, delved deep in your heart,
etched in your memory,
Just for you.
Dreams, that remain,
closed behind your shut eye,
forced to be abort,
because of the circumstances.
But in your personal space,
in a world of your own,
you live them,
unfold them, and then pack them,
back to when the reality strikes.
Sometimes in life,
there comes that someone,
to whom you bear it all,
the unfulfilled dreams,
the secret goals, to have it all..
In a bid to win that trust,
you only hope, that,
your bare soul, is not Hurt,
that your heart does deserve,
to be heard..
And, then, you start creating,
again a personal space,
from the one to who,
you bared it all..
Wall him again,
from the thoughts that are,
yours, only yours alone,
and dreams yet again,
lived in your own,
Personal Space.
Till the time comes,
to bare is all out..
to some one else!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
O is for Objectively
N is for NO.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
M is for Memories
Monday, April 14, 2014
L is for Lucky
Sunday, April 13, 2014
K is for Kanyadaan
Daan means Charity.
And together, it basically means the ritual of giving your daughter away in marriage. In India, this is considered to be the most noble form of charity.
And it is from here that all goes down hill.
The daughter is considered a burden in Indian house holds, because not only does the father have to get the daughter married, it also means to give so much in dowry. Yes, even if it illegal.
One of the reasons is the nomenclature of the ritual, calling it to give your daughter away in charity. Had this been named something else, anything else, which did not mean that when you get your daughter married, you are doing charity, and that you will get rewarded from God because of this charity.
In the olden golden era, the women were allowed to choose their own husbands, this was called Swayamwar.
Swayam meaning Self
War meaning groom.
This was based on competitions, or various other methods. Sometimes, the princes were invited for the swayamwar, and they just made merry, till the princess was ready to choose her prince.
However, the giving away of the daughter was still called "Kanyadaan".
From whatever, I understand, the reason, why Kanyadaan was called as what it is, because, for the parents it was the most difficult thing for the parents to send their daughters away.
By the middle ages, however, the concept got diluted and the women became a burden.
Things are slowly changing, finally. When will the change happen in totality, God only knows, but for the time being, I feel, despite the nomenclature, the thoughts with respect to giving away daughters is equivalent to charity should change amongst the youth.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
J is for Jealousy
Jealousy has the lousy in it, in any case. So yeah, the emotions that are associated with it are negative, at times also remorseful.. belittling yourself.
I am human, and I am susceptible to the feeling of being Jealous. The funny thing though is, that through out the years that the husband and I were dating prior to marriage, jealousy hardly crept.
Now that we are married, I am more susceptible to the feeling of being sidelined, mostly because of the dedication and the time that he spends on his office, on his gadgets and his stupid computer games.
Facebook doesn't make life easier, what with the friends moving ahead with their lives, progressing in their careers, in their relationships.
I feel incompetent to say the least, that, we are at a stagnant point in our lives, just going through with the motions of our daily life, while the rest are buying new cars, they are travelling, or just making merry. Mind you, that doesn't mean that we don't do any of that.. except the car buying bit.. but then, the jealousy creeps in, even when it is the close friends that we are talking about.
How do I handle it?
I see. I process. I feel Jealous. Then I feel Lousy. Maybe have an argument with the husband. Brood. Sleep over it, and I am fine. Again.
It is a funny emotion so far as I am concerned, because, it does make me feel bad, but then, somehow, Husband and his arms, make the world a better place again.
How do you handle the lousy in the Jealousy??
Friday, April 11, 2014
I is for I, Me & Myself.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
H is for Hope
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
G is for Game of Thrones (GOT)
A series set in the fantasy land of Seven Kingdoms, with a King, Queen, a lot of politics, bastard children, rightful heirs and a lot of sex.
I was never a fan. My husband followed the damn series on television. I got curious, and started reading the Book. I could never get past the first 10 minutes in the televised version of it.
I would say that I am still not a fan. Harry Potter remains the fantasy book/ movies that I reckon with. Less complicated.
However, whereas in Harry Potter there is a distinct line between the good and the bad, Game of Thrones, has enough grey to confuse between the perspectives who is right and what is right.
GOT, has a plethora of families, houses, vying for the coveted seats, secrets that are covered for the greater good.. but in the end, all of it comes down to surviving the ruthless struggle for power, and then gaining that power.
Apt, I would say in the current Indian scenario, where the largest democracy has gone to polls, with a choice between a pappu, a mass murderer without any remorse, and an anarchist.
While they fight it out to woo the voters, this limited choice has left the country in a state of limbo, where we as the common man, do not know what the outcome is going to be, and if that outcome is going to do us any good.
In the words of Ned Stark , "Winter is Coming"
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
F is for Frugal, Fine, Future
Another set of connected words.
Both Frugal & Fine, define the future that we may or may not have.
All through our growing years, we either see the frugal, the one who saves for the rainy day, the one who spends just on what is necessity.. He may not have seen the world, but in his own world he is a happy man, that all his hard earned money is now a saving that he may spend, after retirement, in an age, where limitations of health often restrict the fun.
But the future, in terms of a mortgage free house, a retirement income and maybe a vacation and two finally happen.
The other kind we see, is the Fine kind, who may not have a penny in the savings, a house to call his own or for that matter, maybe not even a health insurance to cover the expenses of his flu treatment .. but instead he has a wealth of stories, a lot friends and a diverse variety of experiences that fulfil his life to the brim.
There may not be a retirement home for this kind, but definitely a lot of experiences.. of a life chasing the wild, and chasing the dreams.
Who am I? The Fine or the Frugal. I am trying to find that fine line between the Fine and the Frugal, between the experiences and a house even if the same is on a house loan, but a house nevertheless. I love to travel, but I want to have a house to come back to.
Who are you? What are your hopes and expectations from the future...!!! ??
Sunday, April 6, 2014
E is for Energy and Enthusiasm
Of which, I am totally out.
A long day, long long Day just came to an end.
With a heavy heart we dropped Sugar off to the kennel.
My mother is scared of dogs and they are coming to visit me at my marital home for the first time since I got married. Whilst am totally enthusiastic about their visit, am already drained out.
What with sugar in the kennel, brooding husband and a day full of spring cleaning.
Energy out. Hopefully enthusiasm can make it.
Friday, April 4, 2014
D is for Daycare
Thursday, April 3, 2014
C is for Choices, Conflicts, Changes, Consequences & Confusions
Each of our choices, more often than not is a result of a conflict, or it conflicts something else, results in some change and then we deal with the consequences often confused, or not.
This is the cycle that I have been following for I don't even know how long.
I remember, when I had passed my class 10th examinations, a big decision was pending, whether to change my school or stay where I had been studying for the last 11 years.
My mother proposed.
It conflicted with what my heart really desired. I chose. Changed my school. Which resulted in being in a better school, but nonetheless left more confused about life than ever.
I was in a new environment, where, I bonded with hardly anybody, because, there the people were neither open to new people in their "groups", neither were they my kinds in any case.
So thanks to that, I ended up wasting a year doing engineering, where my true love was law. I did end up doing law, but instead of doing it from a top grade college, I did it in a third rate place.
But, I made the most of it.
I found my husband thanks to the chain of choices that I ended up making.
Life is not fair. But that does not in any way warrant that, I don't make a choice. But, most of the times the choices made by us are in a form of compromises rather than the ones made from our heart, the ones which help us to pursue our dreams. But, here is the hope that the universe will help in changing the stars and help me put myself back on the track of my dreams.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
B is for Being Busy
It said,
"We are adding years to our life, but not life to our years".
Imagine the impact, that 13 years later, I still think about it and shudder. Because, as a teenager, I could never really fathom what this means.
My grandfather made sure that each year for the vacations we travel. The birthdays were special. My parents were usually home in the evenings. Life was good.
Till, I joined the workforce, 4 years back, and realised the true meaning of the quote, where like an idiot, we are working 12 odd hours a day to earn money and to scrap by. Where you have to think twice, before spending the money that you have earned after working sooo hard by not spending any time with your family. Now, that I am married, I get really agitated, when the husband is always busy and has no time.
We don't talk as much as I would like to.
The adventure is gone, when you are always busy being busy, so that you can enjoy your savings when the prime of your life is gone.
My office is worse. Their, they feel proud for not taking their annual leaves. I wonder, how can they stay and constantly stay busy with only work, without giving two hoots about their families.
Times were simpler, when we were younger. Today in the age of connectivity, doing nothing seems like a curse, and the new mantra is always "Being Busy".
I of course wish, I could lie down on a beach without giving two hoots about the job, about the money, just love, and happiness.
But- Reality always strikes back.