I could not sleep last night.. I was having nighmares..... I was sweating... and my heart rate was more than the normal. One time I was feeling toooo cold the other tooo hot.... and well... as I write this... things are not so normal.
These symptoms are of neither an heart attack nor an love attack. But are of something more than that. They happen to be the symptoms of a poor lil girl who is awaiting her results for like sooo much of time that the breaks in the reality show results have started too seem reasonable.
Yes this is my condition.... and in short is known as Result Blues... but well... it sure is making me Pink.. white and yellow....
This whole drama started towards the last few months of 2006. I had given my 2nd sem law exams in the month of June and then like a usual bindaas entity started my 3rd sem in the month of August. Well... the results often come by the month of september at max October. But this time the media decided to do a nice sting operation on the University and found that lots of papers were missing and a many more being checked by 5th standard students. This whole bawaal.. bought the university to a standstill.. and now that it has finally started working the results are awaited. I know that I cant do any thing.. but anxiety happens to be a emotion embedded in the human sub concious.. or where ever.
Now, that the hope is filckering with two senior semesters getting their results the speculation is on an all time high.... tomorrow.. day after or when....??? A million dollar question that reamins unanswered and is evading my peaceful nights.. and days...!!!
Oh Please- Give us our result.. and break away the suspense....
hey QT...the first thing that comes into mind seeing ur blog is ..Cute!! Pretty feminine hue..so why is this nu blogpage ...chucked off my-labyrinth!!
not at all... i mean.... cant u c.. shayon n i are still partners in the crime of blogging....we both are the parts of both the blogpage....
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