Friday, October 23, 2009

Dear 2009...

Dear 2009,
I have had the most tiring year ever. I was bound to, after all, the very first day of the year I was travelling all over mumbai, meeting up people and getting ready to start off the new year with a bang.
When the Santa clause came last year, it bought with itself one of the MOST wonderful gifts ever. Shayon was moving to Delhi... you were the year that I was looking forward to live the most.
To celebrate in 4 years our Love Anniversary together. To celebrate, our birthdays together, to talk on the local phone- to meet, without much planning.
I mean, I have had such a roller coaster- seeing my own city as a couple. To visit the lover spots, to cook, ohkay I have to admit in this case- it was Shayon cooking.To just spend the day together.
I have learnt, how to be proficient in making excuses when I have to go out on a date, or how to create such angels of friends who would get me lovely gifts when they go out of the city.
And, I have been able to fight a little more often too.

But, life they say comes in a full circle- and in a month , life will slip back to what it was a year back. The year that started in such a great note with a promise of forever and always, is ending, and that too a month early for me.
Being practical in love- It is a tough job. But like someone says it is very important to draw a line between your personal and professional life...
And as I am going to bid you Good bye this year, I will be making some very important decisions of my life. I will be applying for jobs. I will be looking hoping to make a future.
I hope that all that we had dreamed of this year becomes a reality.
Life is full of surprises.
All I can do is Thank You for all that you have given me this year...

Dear 2010,
You are yet to arrive. But, I have great expectations from you.
I am hoping to graduate in midst of the year.
But, I have no idea what else to ask from you, so I am just going to ask you to give me strength and endurance, because- I will need a lot of that.

For all of you, I know this sounds very cryptic. Re-reading it, it sounds like loops and loops of nonsense. But, since, I had written it, I did not want keep as a draft.
And, the reason behind the loops and my general sadness is that- Shayon has resigned from his present job in Delhi and moving to Banglore in a month's time.
I am very happy for him, its a great opportunity for him to get ahead in his career and to do what he really wants. It will be really wrong to say that I am not sad. I am as a matter of fact really sad, and unhappy. But, one has to do what has to be done.
Yeah, that is it- My life is going to be back to the square one in four weeks. And I wish I could stop time, but alas, that is also not a possibility.


Arooj said...

wish u a great year rather entire life sakshi
one has to stay away from one's loved ones in order to make future bright and prosper...tht's wht u also mentioned in ur best of luck for ur someone special as well

Jack said...


Very practical of you. His career is much more important at this juncture of time as it will not be too long before you will need to speak to your parents. I am sure 2010 will prove to be lucky for you all around.

Take care

Tangled up in blue... said...

Hey, I know for a fact that the future's gonna get like truckloads of happy times for you! So, altho 2010 looks like a bit of a challenge, I'm sure you'll get thru just fine! :)

Good luck, girl! :)

Sakshi said...

Well, I can't believe that you all are so much more positive than me.
Thank you soooo much.

ShalinK said...

This is a phase and this too shall pass!

I know its rather difficult to move away from loved ones, but think about the bright future that life holds ahead fr you both and the time is not far when you two would be together for life !

For the moment concentrate on your studies and cherish the moments spent with your folks, its not gonna be long before you have to leave them and go too and it will be then you will realize how much you love them too and how difficult it is to stay away from them as well.

So enjoy each day as it comes and make th most of the time spent with all your near and dear ones !!

Keep Smiling

Shalini said...

Life and love share a thing-"hurdles". We get through those. Yes, i agree about the pain,the numbness BUT we get through those and step into happiness, dont we? What goes around, comes around.
Dont worry, its gonna be fine. hugs.

Moo said...

My baby girl, I know life's tough and too good to be true. But at the same time, treat this as an investment for the future, when you will have a boyfriend who has a very stable career, as you put forth his case in front of your parents.

Everything works out for the best. The initial months will be terribly difficult, but you're a strong girl and you know he needs to do this.

He's so lucky to have a girlfriend who's supporting him no matter how sad she is; not many of us can claim to be that nice! :)

Cheer up sweetheart. you will soon end up together again. Till he's gone, we will all take care of you!

Loads of hugs! :)

ani_aset said...

aww :( god bless you both...all will be good soon sakshi >:D<

Sakshi said...

Thanks a ton to all of you all for being so positive. I really hope and pray that all of your good wishes make loads of difference in my life.

Thank you...!!! :)