Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Into another life- All the Best- My love!!

I am at Shayon's place. Packing his bags for his journey to a new beginning that awaits him on the other side.
Right now, he is not around. And, I am already feeling a deep void of not having him around. It took us almost 3 months to get used to having each other at max 20 minutes apart, and in a little less than 24 hours... he will be on his way to a new life.

As much as it is hurting me right this instant.. and the physical hurt that I am feeling packing up his stuff... I am not going to break down and act like a drama queen.

I am just going to wish him Bon- Voyage and lots of success in his new job. I know he is very excited... and I urge all of you all to please wish him all the luck in his new job and pray that we are united again REALLY SOON.

All the Very BEST!!! I love you Sweetheart..!!!


Jack said...


Please give him a hug from my side ( mind you from MY SIDE ) and wish him ALL THE BEST for new assignment. And be a brave girl. This will strengthen your love for each other. Wish you both a permanant reunion in near future.

Take care

Anonymous said...

all the BEST to shayon :D

and you my darling, keep that smile on your pretty face :)

Shalini said...

Good luck to both of you...

Sakshi said...

Thank you guys..!!! Thanks for all the support and love.
I love you all..!!!

Tangled up in blue... said...

Hey I wasnt around for a while, but I hope this counts..

Good luck, Shayon!! :)

and lots of love to you, Sakshi! :) :) :)

ShalinK said...

Your a wonderful girl and very brave too !!!

Wishing both of you super success in all future endeavours !!

Sakshi said...

Dear All-
You have been so kind to both of us. Your wishes are conveyed to Shayon...!!! Thanks.

Shayon said...

Ohh... It seems I am a little too late in counting my wishes :-p Anyway, thanks a lot, guys. Sakshi, yes... I do miss her a lot. But then, I am hoping we get to meet up soon.
Love you, hun!