Apart from dance, we had a nice interact with him also. It was great.
And he is a great great talker, has almost convinced me that I should take up dance professionally- Now ain't that a new one.
Now, I must clarify here, that the interact was with the entire batch and that he was telling us all to pursue dance as a profession.
But anyways- it was a very motivating thought, especially, when you look at the way Ashley puts it..!! That when you are dancing you are doing something that you totally love, and when you are doing something that you totally love- it doesn't feel like work at all. Sounds good? right!!!
So my dear brain got working on this newest seed of thought- That can I actually become one of the great dancers... DUHU- Reality check happened when I came back home and we were watching 'So you think you can dance' Well, it was not their great dancing, but my mother's disgusting looks at their costumes and dances that made me realized that, this may not go down that well with them at this juncture- But- that does not mean that I am not going to dance anymore- As a matter of fact- Finally, I think that Mr. R, notices me class and that I may actually be making some progress, so while I learn how to interpret laws, I will also learn how to interpret music, and dance like a star...!!
On the other side of life, it is exactly in one week that Shayon is going to say Good bye to Delhi... and, I have no clue how to make one of the last few days that we spend together soooooooo special for both of us... so I think I am going to just be, and may be reality sink into me later.
Right now- I have to study and make a practical file. GOD.. HELP!!!
Exactly...do something you love..even if you cant take it up professionally.
Every second you spend with Shayon is special...haina? So, like what you have written...dont put too much mind into it and just go with the flow.
Take care...:)
You can be a competent lawyer and give dance performances too. One being your profession and other your passion.
Take care
me wants to see your dance bideos.
me do me do ! :D
Even I want to see my video..!!! My summer dance video is on FB!!! :)
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