Friday, September 17, 2010

Breaking the ice!

It so hard to be perfect, to go back to being what you were from present to a point back in time. But, it is never really difficult to be a newer or a better person. And if it is both, then nothing like it.

We all the know the most obvious thing which is that Change is inevitable. And if there is no change, then life becomes stagnant, and what becomes stagnant smells of rotten things. But then, it is so hard to accept the change that has come over you, over the other people involved in the equation.. but after the teething, we all need to, have accept those changes.
And, I am glad, that slowly... both Shayon and and I are ironing out the wrinkles that had developed in our relationship.
Today in the afternoon we had so much of fun. We were together for lunch, both had come from their respective offices.. and apart from the lunch that was by the way awesome *Nirula's Pot-pourri *, it was the easy talking that somehow was amiss in the conversations that we were having of late.
The awkward moments seemed to be dissolved in the afternoon sun, and both of us enjoyed the togetherness of being together after ages. The sun, that came out in Delhi after ages, actually broke the ice that the icky never ending rains were just hardening.

Both of us had had the 'talks', about what the whole mess had done to us and that how much each of us has changed, but then, in the last couple of days, both of us have been smiling a lot.. he has been in good mood.. and most of all, he is having fun at work too.
We talk about the most mundane things in life.. and the comfort of knowing that the cause of 'US' is not a lost one is always a pleasurable feeling!
The impromptu plans... the phone calls, the smses... they all do everything to make me smile and blush. And, I know for sure- Tomorrow is a better day.. and love is just going to increase!


Chandni (Chanz) said...

awwwwwww... I am so glad to hear that... god bless u both..


Shalini said...

:) :) :)

Arooj said... u both have all the sings of a true relationship
best of luck...

ani_aset said...

god bless you :D