Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Have you ever..

hated yourself, for becoming the reason for the misery in someone else's life?


Tangled up in blue... said...

Yes. And sometimes, it feels a teeny tiny bit better when you tell yourself you didnt really want to cause all that hurt, you didnt really intend it. And somehow, it absolves you.

Like they teach us, intent maketh the crime.

Wicked Witch of the West said...

Yep, and even now...

Banupriya said...

Many a times I have felt that way.. But this is just the phase of self-realization. You think more, you would be not cursing yourself, but would be crying deep inside for yourself and just to hide that, you put all the blame upon you.. So relax.. You can live only for your expectations and not for many people's.

Bikram said...

hmmm well if you know you are being like that then change the situation or try to change and ....

I hope she reads this toooo ...


Jack said...


One should never feel that way. I do not think anyone but real wicked person can hurt someone deliberately. If someone is hurt because of something done unwittingly, it should not be cause of such feelings. One can always try to support the hurt person.

Take care

RiĆ  said...

well yea a lot of times....hope u r feeling better now.

Sakshi said...


And I should remember that, about the intent making the crime! Being the lawyer and all!
It is just that, sometimes, the intentions also get questioned and you end up wondering whether everything is a mirage or just plain reality, hitting you where it hurts the most!

Thanks :)

Sakshi said...

About you, well, we have that chat.. so.. no comments!

Sakshi said...

I wish that was the case. I wish that it were only me expectations that were getting hampered! The problem is, that the expectations vary when the person concerned varies!
But, I am trying ,my level best to be a strong person!
Thanks :)

Sakshi said...


Sometimes you just can't change the situation, whether you like it or not! You have to decide according to the circumstances that have been thrown at you!
Life is just like that :)

Sakshi said...

See, supporting and trying your level best at doing something and then failing to do so, are two different things!
So, let us see, how we cope up with this! :)

Sakshi said...


I hope that you never feel this way again! :) EVER!

Rohit Dassani said...


well nice makeover to your blog!! :)