Sunday, August 23, 2009

What does me do??

Its a little less than 2 weeks for my birthday.
And my parents have started bugging me.
And can you believe, the best that they came up with is sending me (OPERATIVE WORD) to a movie with my best friend on my younger sister and then join us for dinner. HOW IMAGINATIVE...!!!!
And well sending me is just adding fuel to the fire, because, hello- I am going to turn 23. Their attitude is not helping me.
And, whenever I talk about- Guys, my birthday is on a saturday night- I should be doing something which marks it as a saturday night- I get that look from them... which cruelly reminds me that I am a girl... so, here I am, feeling cranky and getting the stress related headaches again... coz- I truly was excited about my birthday... but I guess, that is not to happen.

This is so stupid. And, I am feeling sad again.
Therefore- I do not want ANYONE to wish me on my birthday.
I want it to just go by, like any other day.
Random thought... if happiness were a fruit.. what would you want it to be??


ani_aset said...

hey dont think like that :)
stay positive, i'm sure there will be something nice in store for you

Shayon said...

Humm...having Saturday night blues, or birthday blues?

By the way, here's a URL that I thout u might like.

Shalini said...

Aw, c'mon!! Parents will be parents. Nobody can change them. Just assure that you'll be safe and it will be fine. Eventually they WILL give up. ;)
You know that. dont you? Cheer up! :)

I'd want happiness to be a plastic fruit so it'd be there all the time. Nobody will eat it up nor will it go waste.

Jack said...


Come on pull out of this nosedive. Parents will be parents as Shalini has said and they always are worried about their offsprings no matter how old they are with it being a little more for girls. I do not think I have to spell out reasons. You know that both out children are married and parents themselves but still when I cross road with our daughter I hold her arm to guide her. And if our son overshoots expected time of return at night we are restless till he is home. This is inspite of giving them all the freedom. So don't you worry your birthday will be superb. Please do let me know the date so I can wish you in time and I would definitely love to send e-greetings if you permit me. Mine is also round the corner. And I will be 64, which reminds me when my parents were alive they used to treat me as child even when I crossed 50. LOL, though not a very young child. And I never resented as it is their way of showing their love.

Take care

PS : Missed you in my space lately.

Sakshi said...

Thanks yaar... I hope it works out...!!
Pleasantly surprised to see your comment...!!! I am more blue after checking out the link that you have shared..!!! Whats up your sleeve??
I guess- Parents will always be parents. And, I can do nothing about it.. but what happened to- Parents are happiest when their kids are happy...!!!

@Uncle J
Well- I know that I will never grow up for my father. Thus, he doesn't participate in conversations that involve the 'sakshi, you need to grow up' exercises.
But- What I really want is that- being almost 23, to experience life in my kind of flavour with my experiences that I can share with my children... not with the flavors that are spoon fed to me.

Ofcourse you should wish me on my birthday. Its on teacher's day.

Jack said...


I agree with you on this. A time comes when one has to let go of children with advice to follow their conscience. However most of the parents do not do so specially i r o girls. They do not realise that if she is bent on doing something she will do so even when under strict supervision. I know such cases. And then parents feel humiliated.

Take care

Sakshi said...

@ Uncle J
here is my question.. when the parents know that the children wil do what they want neway and in the process humiliate them.. then why do they create such situations..?? I agree its a different case when a child is often unreasonable, but why be unfair to a kid who is seldom unreasonable in his demands??

Miss M said...

But.. but..birthday ki kya galti hai yaar? You should enjoy your day, no matter what! Infact, that day ESPECIALLY, do NOT listen to your parents! :P Other days, only pretend to listen to what they have to say!

Jack said...


That is the mindset. They feel we can control anything the child does least realising this way they are stunting his or her emotional growth and at times physical too. As I have said many times parents need to be friends after a certain age to the child. The child should be confident to discuss anything with either of them. Freedom to a child should be increased as he or she grows with clear advice as to what are the limits. Let the child take own decisions with application of mind.

Take care

Sakshi said...

@ Miss M
Awwww- How nice... birthday ki siraf yeh galti hai, that I am getting older every year but- then, My parents are becoming a degree more paranoid every year.

@Uncle J
I have always agreed to what you say in this regard.. but then, I have to point out- that, parents are a very chaloo specie too... they act like friends and in turn go behind our backs and curb us, even in the garb of being friends.
Plus- I feel that, how so ever hard the parents and the children try to be friends.. it is very very very difficult for the parents to be completely friends with the children.
No, not because they don't try hard, but because, there is something more for the new generation to look forward to.. and that is mostly unacceptable to the parents.
I say this because I have experienced it. For them, especially for my mother- she thinks that english movies corrupt the minds... even now when I am almost 23 ... I can't watch a normal english movie with her... its just doesn't add up...!!
More to ponder I guess...!!

Jack said...


I agree parents can not be 100% friends no matter how hard they try. But what I feel is that they should let children decide what they want as long as it is not something totally outrageous. These days I feel they may even have to agree to live in relationships. I think I made myself clear now. I had told both my children that do what you feel is alright as per your conscience and you want to do it after application of your mind and not due to it being an in thing. Best of luck. Enjoy your birthday.

Take care