Sunday, March 20, 2011

A blessed Holi!

Dear  Lovely Readers!

Wishing you all the colours of love,
the colours of joy,
Wishing you all, the happiness in life!
Happy Holi!!

This year Holi is truly blessed! I got my Bar exam results and I passed with flying colours! :P
And finally, I am a lawyer! No more hitches, no more exams. I can proudly leave the student life behind me, and start the newest chapter of my life!

And I am one of those who believes in OMENs, and this news could not have come at a better occasion. As the  Legend of Holika goes, the evil does get burnt. And today, I consciously leave behind the past, the evil past burn it in the Pyre with Holika and move forward to claim the world, with whatever I have.

I promise myself today, that come what may, nothing that happened in the past will hamper me. It shall thus be buried and burnt. Only the good of my past remains today and I engulf the future with my open arms and an open mind. Bless me for it is a tough path, and bless me more- because today I step out to discover a new me, a happier me and a more confidant Me!

Happy Holi to all of you! 


♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

Wow thats a wonderful thought!
All the very best for your new life :) A life without exams should be much better
Happy holi to you too!

Rià said...

Lovely post and gr8 news too!! Congrats and Happy Holi. :)

Alka Gurha said...

Congrats dear..hv a great holi.

Suruchi said...

happy holi again sakshi and congratulations again too:-)time for the good times to begin...just u watch:-)

Bikram said...

Happy holi to you and what good news that.. congrats on passing well done and colour galore ... on holi yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

all the best yes good past is gone .. today is a new day to start the rest of the life :)


Anonymous said...

woaah oh! :D

And yesh, happy holi! ^.^

Sakshi said...

Life always has exams harini darling, its just that, they are not the school types. :)

Sakshi said...

I hope you are feeling better!
Thanks for your wishes :)

Thank you and I hope you had a great time too! :)

Sakshi said...

I hope so, all fingers crossed! :)

Thank you :)

Thank you so much and welcome aboard my crazy blog ride :)