There has been a recent surge in the wedding around me. If best friend is to be believed then there has never been a low point in my life as far as going for weddings is concerned.
Seemingly, the whole surge of it is, that, most of the weddings that I have been going to... my parents have been pointing out how the couple have been studying together in schools or have been working together and now finally they are getting married. And then we have been going to weddings where the marriage is between two absolutely different cultures! The one that we went to this morning, was a Sardarji getting married to a South Indian girl!! Talk about north and south!!!
My parents seemed very happy about all these weddings and were very proudly narrating how the couple met and what not!!
All this while, I listened smiled and thought, if they can be happy for everyone else why can't they be happy for me? And the choice that I have made?
Seemingly, the whole surge of it is, that, most of the weddings that I have been going to... my parents have been pointing out how the couple have been studying together in schools or have been working together and now finally they are getting married. And then we have been going to weddings where the marriage is between two absolutely different cultures! The one that we went to this morning, was a Sardarji getting married to a South Indian girl!! Talk about north and south!!!
My parents seemed very happy about all these weddings and were very proudly narrating how the couple met and what not!!
All this while, I listened smiled and thought, if they can be happy for everyone else why can't they be happy for me? And the choice that I have made?
Relax. They will definitely back you up. Don't imagine otherwise and become tense unnecessarily.
Take care
I think the tolerance to other 'mixed' couples is a good sign, that they are not generically against such unions. It is always so much more difficult with our own children though, as we want only the best for them, and fear for them, so we are more cautious and slower than we would be in general (like, the thought of my children driving one day horrifies me, I would love to arrange their marriages as I fear they will not consider all they should etc). Stay calm, bide your time, and continue to show them what a fabulous, self-possessed and very capable young woman you are and they will surely feel more comfortable in time.
Everything will be fine.... this always happens... ur happy for others but when the same things happens with u.... u just go crazy!! but nothing to worry about... the hardest days have been over!! :)
I hope they see where u r coming from soon enuff!! Dont worry. Patience is an important virtue. :)
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