Monday, May 3, 2010

'State of the Mind', this is one phrase that I heard a lot in the last couple of months. Yeah, this phrase was in practical usage for a certain person.
Ofcourse, there are many things in life that happens thanks to what is there in our minds. Simple things really, like if you get up feeling good about the day, you tend have a great day, and if you are sad and grumpy, well, then, you have a horrible day. Work or no work.

Lawyers will also play with the state of the mind of the witness and otherwise, so that they can make their case stronger.

Never really thought that it can be a great ploy of parents too. I just had a terrible conversation at home, with regards to my career and my career options. This conversation made me realise, even if I have professional help by people who specialise in planning the careers of people... My parents would love to put that also down. They will never appreciate what ever effort I put in my own career.
They don't trust me.

Despite the fact that I have scored all my internships on my own. ALL of them. And none of them are in stupid law firms. They are big names in the profession. I did this minus any help from my father. All on my own accord.
But, now, jobs is a different ball game altogether. My fault in being kicked about is that I have been educated in a third grade college. So, therefore, I do not map out MY career, I should simply sit at home, and study my ass off, till the next recruitment for being a judge opens, give my exams, pass them, and become a judge. Something THAT I don't want to do.
Their retort- Listen to us, we are your parents.
And my pleas that I DON'T WANT TO BE a magistrate is falling into deaf ears. I can't be choked like this. tomorrow they will tell me, Marry Mr. XYZ, because that is the right thing to do.
Today, my mom tells me, that your dad is not earning in crores, therefore you become a magistrate... Dad tells me, if you get into a smaller law firm... they will not pay you enough...
Hello- I am 23, I am charting out, Dad gives me that look when I tell him, that I looking at experience right now, more than the money...
This is getting on my nerves, I have done exactly opposite of what I had planned to do when I entered college.. doing my masters was never in my list of to-do...
Right now, I am just looking for a way to get out of my house. To get out of this city. Away. To live my own life. Before I am choked.



Shayon said...

Asking you to calm down, in this scenario, wouldn't really help, I know. But it is important for you to sit with your parents and keep telling them, continuously, that you do not wanna be a judge, that you do not wanna get into a masters right now, and that you have your own plans for your life. It's a game of patience here, sweetheart. Whoever loses the cool first, loses the game.

You got to tighten your grit, and give it all a shot. It's not easy, but we all know that life never was. I will not question your parents' judgement because everyone has his own level of exposure, and everyone takes decisions based on their own knowledge. It's not their fault, and neither is it yours. You should ask your mother that how is his not earning in crores related to you being a magistrate? And that no one pays gets a hefty sum, unless they pass out from a really reputed college, and that percentage is really low. It is extremely important that you like your job, else it is not just your professional life, but personal one too, that will suffer.

I do not know whether your parents pursued their own dreams, professionally. But even if they did not, it doesn't mean that they should stop you too for pursuing your calling. My advice (unasked for, yet) would be to keep your cool and keep trying to make them understand that it is important they let you do what you want to. They can always guide you, but not be the decision maker themselves. If they think you are making a mistake, after warning you, they got to allow you to make that mistake. And then if you stumble, they should help you learn and move on.

Take care, honey... and yes, I am always a call away.

Chandni (Chanz) said...

The only thing I will say here is that You will continue getting BPO job offers from the job portals and your parents will continue to show you "the correct path"... Just dont get upset abt that... You will definitely get more chances to prove yourself.

Btw, I dont know if it works or no but update your profile everyday (i repeat, "everyday").. a few friends of mine have asked me to do that but I am not looking for a change so I dont know whether it would work or no. But these guys have got good offers from these sites only. Just update your number everyday..

Maybe it'll help...

Suruchi said...

Hi Sakshi...
Relax...please...with such a worked up mind you’d only feel more harassed and crappy and end up taking wrong decisions...
Just tell your mind it’s just a phase and this too shall pass...our mind believes anything we tell it...
That’s my experiment with truth even before The Three Idiots came up with it :-)

Anyways, what appears to be like a wool ball of confusion, really ends up in straight lines once we get down to untangle the complications!

I don’t tell you to go against your parents by following your heart...
For then some years down the line...there’d always be a guilt that you walked the easy way out....
Try to balance it all....a bit of you and a bit of them...
N running away does not me...I have thought of it more times than you must have done*considering I am older n hence more scope for dumb mindless propositions*

Sit down with a blank mind, think it all over n do in what you think there would be peace for all....including n most importantly for you:-)
All the very best...

Jack said...


Read 3 posts now. So you are having hectic time. Trip to Amritsar, wow. Mind you hard work always pays. So you did finally get tributes from your principal. Talk with Chanda Mama was good. Nice composition. I can understand your perdictment at present. I had let our children choose their own paths. I still advise Legal Branch of Armed Forces. Do think it over.

Take care

Sakshi said...

You know, it is always great to know that I have you on my side.
But lately, it seems that I have started losing my temper in a second. And, that is not helping the cause.

You know it is not about the 'dreams coming true' it is about the job security and being a middle class family is well all about that secure job and a pay that never stops.

Lol, those stupid BPO job offers come from their HR departments who know NO english... even more irritating.. but your advice sar aankhon par.

You are one straight (not sexual orientation) uncomplicated girl. And, I am sure Raju Hirani took All is well from you... *maybe we should ask him for royalties..*

Trust me I am trying to do exactly what you are saying.. but there is a little more to this deadly mixture that I have left out.. like I don't work out of Delhi. Am looking to move out and live my own life before I am bound by marriage.. *no offence*

Thanks for your wishes...

@Uncle J
Thank you for the lovely comment... but Joining the armed forces... well I actually thought about it and realised, that I cannot move city from city at all. I am a very one city girl.