Thursday, January 28, 2010

To say bye...

I hate Good byes. Even though I never really understood why is it even called a Good bye. What is 'good' in a bye.
How can you see someone you love go.
Shayon left, a few hours back, and as I write this post- he is half way home.

Today when I packed him and auto, and kissed him to see him off, I realized, that- I cannot be the super human being that I have been. It was a different ball game altogether when I knew that he was away, and that he could not come. Hell, man, but now that he was here for a whole year- Even though at the end of each date, I felt sad to sit in the stupid auto and come back home, there was always hope, as a matter of fact, I knew that he was right there. At an arms reach (Okay- 20 mins in an auto, but really whatever)...
But, this time when I said bye- I told him not to come back- a simple Bye- takes away a piece of my soul with him... it physically hurts to see him go away, to know that tomorrow morning when I wake up, he won't be there to call and say-
'Sweetheart- I bunked office, lets meet...!!! I'll cook'


Jack said...


I can well imagine the hurt when one has to say bye to soulmate. Have courage. I hope and pray that you both unite permanently soon. After reading about Mile Sur review I have lost keenness to see the new one.

Take care

Ramit Grover said...


санжог said...

I'd catch the next flight if i feel like it!

Sorcerer said...


Sakshi said...

I know totally awwww, thanks for the sympathy guys!!
I don't have the money or the 'permission'.

санжог said...

Next bus...beg borrow steal...permission for what? HA HA HA HA just kidding..

you know it's just temporary.

Sakshi said...

I know that it is temporary. But- its just lousy to have the person so far away.

Quirky said...


N ur posts remind me of my 'those times' girl.. *Shakes herself to get the past out of her head*

Shalini said...

Awwww Sakshi...I dint know what to say. So...*hugs*

ani_aset said...

aww that is so sweet ..>:D<