Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Theory on Weddings...

Uncle J has given this really beautiful guide to a Happy Married Life.. and rightly so, he is after all the most experienced... (No offence..please)
I was wanting to reply back to his post but instead thought of sharing this funny lil quote on a Theory of marriage with you all, for me as of now- it pretty much sums it all up. But that does not mean, I do not believe in the institution of marriage- I do. And I always will...

I have a theory on Marriage... When two people are in a relationship for along time they come to a pointh when they do not have anything to talk about. And it is at this point that they decide to get married and thus have something to talk about all their lives.
- From the movie- Four Weddings & a Funeral

Ironically it is the lack of 'Good Communication' that breaks down Marriage...


Jack said...


I too agree with the quote. Also as I said Two Way Communication is the foremost ingradient for a successful & happy marriage.

Take care

Anonymous said...

Hey Sakshi,

Oh this quote is so verry true, and also that post on shopping and spending money, God how much I love that.

Tk cr baby !!

Sakshi said...

@ Uncle J
But then there are times... when there is measured amount of talking...

@ D.O.
glad to see you here babes... :)