"Laughter is Timeless.. Imagination has no Age and.. Dream are Forever...-Tinkerbell"
Oh sorry to hear that.So now that your life is finished, can I please have your ---1. Car(s)2. Houses(s)3. Bank Account(s)4. Estate5. Laptop6. GoldKindly do the needful and send everything across promptly.
While you're in the giving mode, could I please have an iPhone too?
what happened?
No idea what happened to her, but who cares as long as I get the estate? :D
Oh and Happy V day to Shayon bhaiya ji and you! May you have many more to come.:)
@TBGSure- Any more demands?@KiStuff- Just usual crappy life...
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Oh sorry to hear that.
So now that your life is finished, can I please have your ---
1. Car(s)
2. Houses(s)
3. Bank Account(s)
4. Estate
5. Laptop
6. Gold
Kindly do the needful and send everything across promptly.
While you're in the giving mode, could I please have an iPhone too?
what happened?
No idea what happened to her, but who cares as long as I get the estate? :D
Oh and Happy V day to Shayon bhaiya ji and you! May you have many more to come.
Sure- Any more demands?
Stuff- Just usual crappy life...
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