Yeah, dancing is fun, only when you take away the technique away from it and dance like a drunk baffoon. But the moment you decide, that you want to perfect yourself in a dance form, then get ready to grill yourself.
Like our instructor says- No pain, no gain...!!!
So, yesterday was my first class of Basic Elementary; AND, I came home with such muscle cramps that, even after the entire night of sleeping, I hurt all over. I am not complaining, but it was an experience in it self. I mean, at the beginners level, there was a different kind of atmosphere, and at the second level itself, I can see the seriousness in the class. Ofcourse, there are jokes, and there are the usual stupid connotations that are happening in and out, but then, you are learning more, and you are being grilled at the technique more.
If beginners was all about opening your back up, and dancing like a star, then basic elementary is all about your extensions, piruvets and strengthening your abs.
If the work outs that we are doing in Basic Elementary, are done by me everyday for 20 mins, I am never in my life going to need a gym.
We do push ups, developes, Pilates... and that is just some of them...!!!
I shall over come, and chak de fatte the dance class...!!! And Dance like a star...!!!
PS: I know that some terms are totally alien, they are alien to google also, so, unfortunately, no explanations and links!!!
Happy Dancing Sakshi!!! I could imagine the cramps u get on the first day of dancing, as I myself have experienced it. But dont over do it from the first and take care.
Hey...good going... which dance are you actually learning??
Hey i really really need you on that case...plzzz....mera case sambhal lo!! Lets keep out chocolaty egos aside and fight for a greater good!!
Tell me what to do........ :)
I can not stop smiling. I can well imagine you making faces while muscles ask you why are you penalising them. But as you yourself say ' HUM HONGE QAMYAB." So no hassles and let us see a good dance performance in your show.
Take care
i know how much it hurts... Trust me it will take time and it will pain till the time u get used to it.. But the satisfaction and the happiness that i get from those stretches and throws, its amazing.. I love it...
Oh man, i miss my dance... (i gained a lot of weight in the past 2 yrs).. :(
@ Banupriya & Chanz
I know, and I am trying to get used the stupid pain... I hope the getting used to happens soon.
@Uncle J
My poor muscles can't believe that they actually worked so much, they are in shock.
dude- what help you want?
pirouettes. :D
gimme a hi5 i have always liked ppl who are serious about the techniques in dancing :D >:D<...u said jazz right?
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