Saturday, December 3, 2011

This Year was about... "Weddings"

Another wedding post.
But this one takes us back into the past.
Since we are reminiscing the year gone by, it cannot be complete without talking about weddings!!!

I mean that was the FIRST big news of the year, on the very first day of the year. Rewinding a little bit more, I remember going to a New Year Party, where I was flirting with some random guy, whose name I do not remember. But I do remember that, it was a big group of gujju couples, and trust me- Gujju women, well, they drink and their men they flirt. Even in front of their wives!
Any ways, so after dancing the whole night and hitting the bed only at 6 am, I managed to miss the big wedding announcement that my brother made.. about getting married to his long time gf!
And, wham, the trend of the year was set.
The entire year, all I did was to hear about a dozen or so people getting married, with a realization, that time has just flown away. That, there was a time, when I was actually looking forward to, and thinking ahead of being a grown up,attending a friend's wedding,my brother's wedding.. all of it was a just a future that was yet to happen.
And when it did, it was weird at first. Then it became the hectic pace, the sole reason for all of planning for the entire year. And the trend continues. In the coming year or two, there would be 'couples'. In a breath, life has taken a leap.
I know, that I am entering the New Year, with loads more cousins getting married. HECK, my cousin is getting married in the first week of January!
So, now you know that there are gonna be loads of posts about weddings and marriages.. as I look forward to the year ahead! :D


Tangled up in blue... said...

I think we're at that age where there will be this wave of people's weddings. Then there'll be another softer wave when we're in our thirties too. For all the people who held out that long.

Jack said...


Yes, time flies and before one knows it is time for what one thought was still distant. Have a good time in next year and am now looking forward to hear you tell me the date.

Take care

Rachit said...

wedding wedding everywhere... making the world more crowd-ii :P
Weakest LINK

Sakshi said...

But it is scary. :\

Sakshi said...

@Uncle J
All fingers crossed :)

Sakshi said...

:D You seem to dislike wedding! But they are fun!